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7 сентября 2018

Russia’s MTT joins the LoRa Alliance™ as it launches a LoRaWAN™ network for B2B-oriented IoT development

Moscow, September 7th. MTT (OJSC “Multiregional TransitTelecom”), Russian federal provider of intelligent business solutions, has announced that it had become a member of the LoRa Alliance™ as it moves to provide the country’s first B2B-services in M2M and IoT applications based on MTT’s own LoRaWAN™ infrastructure.

MTT’s LoRaWAN network is currently being built in 6 major Russian cities: Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhnyi Novgorod and Samara. Currently test zones are fully operational in central Moscow. By the end of 2018, all 6 LoRaWAN networks will be up for a commercial launch, with MTT’s focus being on providing a reliable, state-of-the-art network and IoT ecosystem for partners in the housing, energy, mass retail and agricultural markets.

Recently MTT had partnered with a leading telecom infrastructure company, Russian Towers, as its subcontractor for constructing LoRaWAN technological sites and tower structures in select cities to ensure optimal coverage and service quality. MTT chose the LoRaWAN protocol for its versatility and ease of implementation in dense urban environments, as well as a large vendor solution range and end-user device variety.

“The list of use cases for LoRaWAN continues to grow, so it is important that network coverage increases in parallel,” said Donna Moore, CEO and Chairwoman of the LoRa Alliance. “We are pleased to welcome MTT to the LoRa Alliance and excited to see the realization of its ambitious multi-city LoRaWAN network in Russia. These networks offer another proof point that LoRaWAN is rolling out globally and ideal for wireless IoT applications.”

Andrey Azhigirov, MTT Deputy CEO said: “A leader in Russian and international B2O-services market, MTT has 25 years of experience in building and managing complex fixed and mobile network systems, and we are excited to be among the first to build a viable IoT-environment for innovative Russian businesses. Joining the robust, quickly-growing LoRa Alliance will enable us to participate in the global LoRaWAN and IoT community. We look forward to contributing to the amazing work that LoRa Alliance is carrying out for IoT growth and proliferation, to sharing best practices and offering our expertise on standardizing issues as a long-standing ITU member”.

The LoRa Alliance is an open, non-profit association, with a mission to standardize the deployment of LPWAN technology across the world to enable IoT, M2M, smart city, and industrial applications. It was formed in 2015 by technology industry leaders, including Cisco, Semtech, IBM, and leading telecommunications companies.

The LoRa Alliance defines and drives the long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN™) protocol. LoRaWAN is an LPWAN specification intended for wireless battery-operated devices in a regional, national or global network. It provides seamless interoperability among smart devices without the need for complex local network installations, and empowers users, developers, and businesses, enabling the seamless rollout of IoT solutions.

For further inquiries:

Daria Lutzau

Press secretary

Tel.: (499) 709-01-01

Mob.: (903) 764-30-56


OJSC MTT (Мultiregional TransitTelecom) is a global provider of intelligent business solutions. We create a wide range of innovative products on the edge of telecom and IT for corporate, SMB and SOHO clients. МТТ’s efforts are focused on creating leading technologies and affordable services that enable our customers to become more successful and flexible than their competitors. We are ranked amongst the TOP-10 Russia’s largest telecommunications companies. Full info on: www.mtt.ru

The LoRa Alliance™ is an open, nonprofit association that has become one of the largest and fastest-growing alliances in the technology sector since its inception in 2015. Its members closely collaborate and share experiences to promote the LoRaWAN™ protocol as the leading open global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWAN connectivity. With the technical flexibility to address a broad range of IoT applications, both static and mobile, and a certification program to guarantee interoperability, the LoRaWAN protocol has been deployed by major mobile network operators globally, and connectivity is available in over 100 countries, with continual expansion. www.loraalliance.org

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